Hello, Friend.

Hello, Friend.

I've got something to talk about...

I'm stuck in this terrible 'situation';

the girl that loves me,

isn't the girl that I'm in love with.

They're completely different 'characters'.

One - like a warm earthen cup of tea,

the other, more of a glass of wine.

Both of 'em aren't clear about their feelings,

but I know that I'm certain about mine.

What made me fell in love with 'her',

is her way of living life to the fullest,

by letting her passions take over her morals.

And, the thing that 'the other one' loves me for,

is my presence, my benevolence,

& with that - all the earned laurels.

They both had 'pasts' -

their 'firsts', their lovers -

people who promised to stay,

those whom they used to call their 'everything';

but soon realised that nothing lasts,

and were pushed away.

And, for sure, I know,

that I won't be able to let 'em go...

'cause I'm like those souls out there,

'who refuse to let people hate them',

In fact, they care about people, in spite of it.

And it doesn't happen a lot - it's rare,

and, the very special ones - they're relentless at it.

Doesn't matter what you do to them,

they take it & care about you anyway.

They don't leave you.

No matter even if you've given them,

plenty of reasons to do so,

No matter how desperately you're begging them to stay away,

'cause they feel something for you that you can't -

they 'love' you.

And, here's this fourth person - You.

Observing me falling into this mess,

letting someone hurt myself -

from a distance.

"Saviour of the damned & the cursed,

the one who overthinks, the one who overloves" -

is how you describe me.

But don't worry, I don't 'love' you too;

I apprize you -

there's a modicum of difference.

You know, I have all the answers,

& I'm just refusing to accept them.

And you know that at last,

I shall have to choose one.

Either the feeling of being loved,

or an eternity of despair,

of loving someone -

who isn't meant for me,

and just letting me stay there -

closer to them,

but away from their heart.

Still I want you to promise me,

that if I ever dare to cross a line,

you'll pull me back -

even forcefully, if you have to.

'cause I don't want to lose myself,

and you wouldn't want to lose me too.

'cause you & I - "we're just friends",

but way better than anything else -

trust me. :)

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Areen Agrawal

The Twaddle on Love, Society & Sciences. (◍•ᴗ•◍)